FCC Process to Obtain Telephone Numbers Now Available
Back in June 2015, the FCC made public a decision to allow VoIP providers to obtain telephone numbers directly, rather than having to purchase them through a third party organization.
That FCC Order established a process called “Numbering Authorization Applications” and created an electronic filing mechanism for these applications, to become effective on January 5, 2016.
On February 4, 2016, the FCC announced the steps that a VoIP Provider must follow to complete the application procedure. The relevant text is below:
To obtain numbering authorization under the new Commission process, interested interconnected VoIP providers must file Numbering Authorization Applications through the Commission’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS).4 When e-filing a new Numbering Authorization Application, a filer must select “VoIP Numbering Authorization Application” from the Inbox list of the “Submit a Non-Docketed Filing” module of ECFS. Applicants are not required to use a particular form or format in filing their Numbering Authorization Application; however, 52.15(g)(3)(i) of the Commission’s rules5 requires a Numbering Authorization Application to contain the following:
- The applicant’s name, address, and telephone number, and contact information for personnel qualified to address issues relating to regulatory requirements, compliance with Commission rules, 911, and law enforcement;
- An acknowledgment that the authorization granted in this section of the rules is subject to compliance with applicable Commission numbering rules, numbering authority delegated to the states, and, industry guidelines and practices regarding numbering as applicable to telecommunications carriers;
- An acknowledgement that the applicant must file requests for numbers with the relevant state commission(s) at least thirty (30) days before requesting numbers from the Numbering Administrators;
- Proof that the applicant is or will be capable of providing service within sixty (60) days of the numbering resources activation date in accordance with 47 CFR § 52.15(g)(2);
- Certification that the applicant complies with its Universal Service Fund contribution obligations under 47 CFR part 54, subpart H, its Telecommunications Relay Service contribution obligations under 47 CFR § 64.604(c)(5)(iii), its North American Numbering Plan and Local Number Portability Administration contribution obligations under 47 CFR §§ 52.17, 52.32, its obligations to pay regulatory fees under 47 CFR § 1.1154, and its 911 obligations under 47 CFR part 9;
- Certification that the applicant possesses the financial, managerial, and technical expertise to provide reliable service. This certification must include the name of the applicant’s key management and technical personnel, such as the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Technology Officer, or equivalent, and state that none of the identified personnel are being or have been investigated by the Federal Communications Commission or any law enforcement or regulatory agency for failure to comply with any law, rule, or order; and,
- Certification pursuant to 47 CFR §§ 1.2001-1.2002 that no party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 862.
Let the games begin!