Why Resellers Offer Better Voice Service

If you think working from home is as simple as letting the workers use their home phone line to make calls or work from their mobile phones, you’re in for a rude awakening. In light of the Coronavirus, many small businesses are sending their people home to work, figuring that a phone line is a phone line, and calls can just be forwarded to the worker’s home or mobile numbers.
Put aside the issue of an employee’s private numbers being revealed so they can receive return calls or them blocking the number when they make outgoing calls. Those both are call related issues tied to privacy as well as call completion, making them each an impediment to getting work done. And if you think mobile phones are the answer, think again.
Mobile phones are fraught with a second issue. The “Totem Pole Effect” where your cell connection isn’t static, and as the next new device connects to the tower a phone is connected to, each phone that connected earlier sees the connectivity level drop. Already, we and other cloud providers are finding that some of the cellular networks are finding that they are oversaturated, making it impossible for calls to be completed. Here again, a VoIP connection over fiber, cable or suitable DSL line is the best option, and where our White-Label VoIP Assessment Tool comes in handy.
But there’s more. A quick review of calling features and functionality from AT&T shows that home phone service pales in comparison to what cloud-based VoIP providers, like the many SkySwicth Resellers, offer. Services from cable companies, like Cox Communications, offer businesses a package that is based mainly on Broadsoft’s platform. Known as IP Centrix, their customers fare a bit better in the features mix, but the “available for an additional cost” options quickly add up, making it bad business for small businesses.
Cloud Voice providers offer better value, a more robust feature set, lower costs, and access to local resellers who can provide a level of support the large cable companies and legacy telcos can’t in your time of need. Not only can they turn up service virtually anywhere, within minutes, they can also help with at home networking and the needed devices like phones, headsets, speakerphones, and more, supplying those in days, not weeks or months.
If your business relies on your people making or taking calls, a local reseller may be your best solution today, tomorrow, and for the future.