Introduction to Grandstream GRP Phones unboxing, first impressions, and tips!

When I first talked to Grandstream about these GRP phones, this time last year, I was cautiously optimistic. I was hopeful, but it was hard to say if I would like them enough to want to use them, let alone support them. Don’t get me wrong, we have many avid Grandstream only customers, but when you are working in phone config files; p-codes are something you prefer not to deal with on a day to day basis. There were also issues with Weather widgets, and some bad firmware… but let’s let the past be the past!
Grandstream promised me, without me even needing to ask: No more P-codes and Dual Boot Firmware. Hence my cautious optimism, if Grandstream could achieve those two things and start with a stable firmware, they could have a great product on their hands.
Well, here we are! In this video, I give you my honest feedback on the phones as I take them out of the box. As a guy who has handled and configured over one hundred models of VoIP phones in the last 10 years, they left me feeling good about Grandstream in general.
Spoiler Alert, I decided that we wanted to work with Grandstream and Support these phones officially.