How to Become a BCM One Reseller

Adding the new and exciting solutions that BCM One has to offer to your repertoire of options you have for your customers is a breeze.
Andy and Jayson will show you exactly how it’s done. Check it out.
Video Transcript:
Andy Abramson:
Let’s talk about how you activate the accounts. Jayson, this will be really helpful for our resellers. And, again, resellers, if you have any questions, please post them in the Q and A or follow up with either Jason or Corey or reach out to the folks at BCM One. Jayson, how do we get all this going?
Jayson Jones:
Very, very simple. Everybody has access to their own admin console, which is our dash manager. Just go to the add-on services in the far right drop-down menu and click add-on services. And then it’s going to open the selection set, just choose the BCM One partner program and submit that form.
That will come into Andy and myself, and then one of BCM One’s contacts, either Daniel Vaughn or Andy Steinke.
Once you go ahead and submit that form with your reseller number we’ll take care of the rest. Then we’ll do a little onboarding with you and show you the lay of the land so you know how to go about ordering, getting quotes, and everything else.
It’s a very organized program. BCM One ensures it runs very smoothly so they can handle a large amount of orders. Once completed, someone within 48 hours will be in touch with you.
Andy Abramson:
So go into the dash manager, select the BCM One channel partner program, submit a form. And then within 48 hours, someone from BCM One will be in touch with you. That’s a great easy solution.
BCM One and SkySwitch are committed to giving you the support and resources you need to be the most successful. Becoming a BCM One partner is designed to be easy and approachable so you can spend your time taking care of your customers, while we take care of you.
Check out the full webinar for even more information, resources, and support right here.