The Zero Refresh Cycle – The Unique Differentiator of Hosted PBX For Which There Is No Defense

It’s no secret that premise-based telephone systems and PBXs are going away. Even so, old habits die hard and it can still be a challenge to get some corporate types and business owners to give up on their old phone systems and make the leap to a hosted solution. Up selling the zero refresh cycle of a hosted PBX may be key to closing the deal.
There are many reasons why they stick with aging systems. They don’t want to risk any interruption in their business operations that may come with new technology deployment. They have capital budget, so they would rather use it to make incremental changes, expansions, and upgrades to the existing system. It could just be a case of “better the devil you know then the one you don’t”
Convince these laggards that the time to change is now.
In the 1984 movie “The Karate Kid” Mr. Miagi is seen performing a martial art move called “The Crane Technique.” Daniel asks, “Does it Work?” Miagi replies, “If Do Right, No Can Defense.”
The Crane Technique For Selling Hosted PBX
When presented properly, I believe that the Zero Refresh Cycle argument may be “The Crane Technique” of closing a deal for a hosted PBX. One thing any company cannot allow to happen is to be left behind technologically. In the past most phone systems were kept in service at least 10 years. How do you move someone who is planning to purchase premise based to a hosted solution. Remind them what did not existing 10 years ago when they purchased their current PBX: Smart Phones, Google Maps, Chat Bots, Cloud Storage, WebRTC, and more are all technologies that a PBX/Communications System should integrate with in order to smooth communications and provide outstanding customer service. We can’t even imagine the technology that our PBX/Communications system may have to integrate with in the next 10 years.
To be left behind technologically is to risk being put out of business.
Perhaps this is the most compelling reason for moving to a hosted solution. The hosted provider must make sure that the platform always has the most up-to-date and integrated feature set. That way, letting left behind technologically becomes a non-issue for the businesses that utilize the service. As a result, your clients can stay focused on their core business. They never need to worry about what technology their competitors are using that can put them out of business.
PS: There is no good word in the English language that means “For Which There Is No Defense”