TMC Net Webinar – Why White-Label UCaaS Makes Sense

By Erik Linask, Group Editorial Director
MSPs, agents, VARS, and other channel partners selling or looking to sell communications services are doing it to make revenue. It’s a great way for them to generate MRR and increase their value to customers they may be selling other service to – or to open relationships with new customers.
Over the past year, we’ve seen demand for UCaaS services increase significantly as businesses sought to manage through the global pandemic and ensure operational continuity while transitioning to remote work models. Many MSPs and other communications providers were able to help their customers survive the year because of their ability to deliver enable rich communications services to remote workforces. As situations continue to improve, one thing is clear – the value of UCaaS has been proven and, even as workers return to their offices, remote work is here to stay in some capacity in most businesses.
In fact, you could say the pandemic created a tailor-made case study for UCaaS, enabling companies that had already invested in UCaaS solutions to transition smoothly, while other were left looking for the tools to deploy quickly.
Here’s the thing – MSPs, VARS, and other providers have choices – many of them – when it comes to what UCaaS services to offer. Ultimately, they want to partner with vendors who offer them the biggest revenue opportunity. But, it’s not quite as simple as comparing prices at retail stores. There are other factors that play into the overall revenue and profit models, and it really starts with the first decision they need to make – do they want to sell a white label solution or a branded one?
The question is, do they want to build their communications businesses by selling their own branded service and maximizing ability to build that brand and create deeper relationships with partners, or, do they want to represent another brand in the market? Ultimately, they are two very different models with very different value propositions and come with features that can impact overall profits.
The traditional reseller model is an older and simpler model – the partner sells and the vendor delivers. The white label model kind of flips that around, where the partner really owns the entire customer relationship. The model has become increasingly popular recently. A decade ago, there were only a handful of white label vendors, but today, it’s become a much more competitive market.
Frankly, the white label model makes sense because it can bring bigger margins along with an opportunity to develop deeper customer relationships as true valued partners. But, different while label providers have their own approaches to the channel partners through their partner programs that can impact not only margins and workload, but the overall value of both relationships – the vendor-partner relationship and the partner-end customer relationship.
I’ll be moderating a webinar featuring Jones, vice president of business development for white label UCaaS provider SkySwitch, joins me to talk about white label UCaaS and the value SkySwitch delivers through its partner program that enables them to maximize their revenue opportunities and grow their businesses.
In fact, when I recently spoke with Jayson, he mentioned several SkySwitch partners have described the ease with which they were able to transition customers to remote working models during the pandemic, building deeper relationships between them and their customers.
Join us for the webinar to understand why the white label model makes sense, and how SkySwitch is differentiating itself with some of its unique partner program features.